

autor: sum

Forestry debates kick-off in the new European Parliament

More than 60 participants attended a ‘Forest-Breakfast’ at the European Parliament to discuss European Forestry’s contribution to today’s and tomorrow’s forest-based industries in the EU.

Under the auspices of the Members of European Parliament Ms Elisabeth Köstinger (AUT), Chair of the “Sustainable Forest Management” Working Group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity & Sustainable Development”, and Mr Herbert Dorfmann (ITA), the Brussels-based organisations CEPF, Copa-Cogeca, Eustafor and EFI, representing private and public forest holders and forest research, hosted a ‘Forest-Breakfast’ at the European Parliament on 24 September 2014. During the event various Members of European Parliament, European Commission and other European institutions and organisations contributed to an open discussion on how European forestry contributes to today’s and tomorrow’s forest-based industry in the EU.

In her welcome address, MEP Elisabeth Köstinger highlighted the economic and political relevance of the forest sector; the MEP stressed that the principle of subsidiarity and a regional approach need to be considered in every EU policy approach. Magnus Berg from SÖDRA, one of Sweden’s largest forestry cooperatives, provided some stimulating insights on how to turn theory in action by referring to an example of an integrated forestry value chain. Prior to the exchanges with the audience, the hosting organisations seized the opportunity to share some of their key considerations. In his statement, Hubert de Schorlemer, CEPF President, highlighted the need for the EU to pay particular attention to policies, which promote forestry and the forest-based sector as a key contributor to both rural development and an EU wide and strong future-oriented economy. Juha Hakkarainen, Vice-Chairman of the Copa-Cogeca Working party on Forestry, added to this that only a sustainable and competitive EU forest sector that attracts investments and innovation will be able to create growth and jobs and to overcome the challenges, such as climate change or the increased demand for renewable energy and commodities. A strong commitment and political support from all parties involved is needed, in order to meet these challenges and the expectations of society. Eustafor’s vice-president Per-Olof Wedin positively recognised the new EU Forest Strategy and its principles as a guiding document for the EU forestry sector in coming years towards further implementation and enhancement of sustainable forest management (SFM) and multipurpose forestry in the EU forests. Research and innovation will be crucial for a successful development of the sector, and for this it will need support from all relevant EU policies, as pointed out by Harald Mauser from the European Forest Institute. During the open discussion the participants, representing the European Commission and other EU institutions, NGOs, forest holders, industry and research, made various contributions. Some of the experts highlighted that is crucial to ensure sustainable use of resources, to respect the needs of society and environment as well as to enhance the economic viability of the forest sector. Promoting forest research and innovation to adapt to new challenges, recognising the importance of certification schemes for sustainable forest management and the need to develop new markets for ecosystem services were also addressed in the debate.

MEP Herbert Dorfmann underlined the multifunctionality of forest, the complexity of ownership patterns and rights as well as the acknowledgment thereof in his closing remarks.

The ‘Forest-Breakfast’ event once more highlighted the need for a coherent and stable policy framework for facilitating a sustainable forest sector that strongly contributes to the EU bioeconomy and to the protection of Europe’s natural and cultural heritage.

CEPF - Confederation of European Forest Owners

COPA-COGECA - European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives

EUSTAFOR - European State Forest Association

EFI - European Forest Institute

In cooperation with the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development”

Confédération Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers

European Forestry House

Rue du Luxembourg 66

B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

T: +32 223 92 300

F: +32 221 92 191


European Family Forestry – sustainability in action!

sekcia: Archívne fórum, 24.9 2014 18:58
autor: neznámy
Čo k tomu dodať? Už len to, že ten preklad do slovenčiny je veľmi presný.
26.9 2014 9:23
autor: neznámy
Nakoľko ja som do toho "ľavý" , tak syn mi to cez "gugeľ" preložil . Tí čo máte s prekladom problém ste o nič neprišli. Je to trepanie o ničom , podobné tomu ako prichádzajú príspevky zo Zvolena či už z NLC , alebo TU.
26.9 2014 11:50
autor: neznámy
takéto tlačovky pri švedskych stoloch určite nič nevyriešia,pážatá sa tam akurát tak nažerú,porozprávajú nejaké vtipy,a tým to hasne,podobný scenár tu prebieha 25 rokov,a výsledky? niečo hrozné,každému ide len o zisky,a za pár rokov je po slovenskom lese,potom bude obdivovať krásu našich kopcov,zarastených trninou ,ale človek si musí,pri týchto bolševickych nenažrancoch zvyknúť na všetko.
26.9 2014 18:34
autor: neznámy
Zase saozvali spickovi lesnickovia.este kvam trba pridat joza lesanka a uz silen podajte ruky....
26.9 2014 21:54
autor: neznámy
prečítala som si príspevok z Bruselu. A niektoré vety výroky ma prinútili uvažovať. Napr. p.Heberta Dorfmanna..
Viete , nemám s lesníctvom nič spoločné , až nato, že som vlastníčka niekoľkých spoločných nehnuteľností.
Ja sa však vraciam späť do minulosti , čo sa udialo poľnohospodárskymi podnikmi.
Boli sme sebestační vo výrobe poľ. produktov, bola tu zamestannosť.
A čo sa stalo?
EÚ dotuje poľnohospodárov.Nie je to málo, ale ani veľa pre tých, ktorí doržiavajú zákony.
Źákony EÚ sú nadriadené zákonom našim.
Nezistíte , ani jednu fyzickú osobu, akú dotáciu poberá na pôdu a už vôbec nie na čiu pôdu.
Tak sa stane, že ak máte pôdu v rámci intravilánu a v rámci LPIS je táto výmera 3000m2, môže Vám hocijaká fyzická osoba na túto pôdu brať dotácie od EÚ.
Hoci ste Vy jej obhospodarovateľom.
Podmienka dotácie je,že musíte vlastniť min. 1ha pôdy,

Pre PPA stačí k tejto dotácii prehlásenie žiadateľa, že je užívateľom daných pozemkov.
Ďalej neziťujú.

Ajo, kritizujete tu p. Lesaneka. Je možno trochu zuajatý, ale v konečnom dôsledku sú jeho príspevky prínosom pre toto fórum.
MP a rozvoja vidieka - ono zastrešuje Pol.Platobnú agentúru.
Nemalo by byť dôslednejšia jeho kontrola na takýchto podvodníkov_
Príspevok dostane ten, kto na pôde robí, je heslo PPA. Tak nech sa zdvihnú kontrolóri a preverujú . Chyba je v zákonoch.
Odomňa, ako vlastníka by mal mať dotyčný poberateľ nájomnú zmluvu,

Ale potom by tu nebolo to ale........
Toto sa týka iba môjho kraja. Mám k tomu všetky dôkazy,
27.9 2014 15:32
autor: neznámy
vážený euro poslanci,toto nad čím sa vy trápite pri švédskych stoloch,my obyčajný sedliaci dávno vieme,ba ešte daleko viac,len robíte obrovskú chybu,že nás nepočúvate......
30.9 2014 7:39